Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Only Tuesday...

This week is slower than I would like. Everything goes by slow when you're waiting. I started this little shblog last night and I'm already on my third post. It would be more impressive if I had any followers. Someday, maybe people will become intrigued and read all of these early workings. 
Do you ever listen to a song and see all the similarities it has with your life? It happens to me every single day. Sometimes, like right now, I can hardly listen to any song without getting a little choked up. My brain finds a way to make the song fit into my life and, well, life is kinda hard. I guess I'll have to stick to rap beats about pimpin' hoes and thug life. 
I called my old psychiatrist yesterday afternoon but she had already left her office. The good old doctor was supposed to call me back today. She said she checks her voicemail once every day. Still no call. WTF. In my voicemail, I specifically mentioned the urgency of a reply and getting on some meds by the end of the week. How. Ah. Noy. Ing. Bleh. I could see any shrink really, but my doctor was from Stanford's Adolescent & Child Psychology unit, so I feel like I need a psych of the same caliber. And there it is again, amazing how the name "Stanford" can add so much to notability and reputation. Ha. Well, we shall see how my return to the medicated life goes. I think it will go very well, or else there would be no reason to come back. 
Today is Tuesday, and on this Tuesday I have decided to open a new chapter in the book that is my provocative life. I need to remember that this is my life and I come first. It's not selfish, I consider it emotionally responsible. Life is so much more lively when you look at the world through rose colored glasses. Optimism is key. Carpe Diem. Hakuna Matata. I've gotta learn to breathe.
Oh remember that poem I mentioned from my last little post "Rhymes with Alex?" Well, I decided to write a little more this morning. It turned into a lot of writing, and the poem is now nearly five pages. I'm crazy. But hey, whatever gets the emotions out in a healthy and productive way, right? Here's the first verse thing... 

Oh baby, would you mind passing me the Xanax?
I've gotta come down from all these panic attacks
You see, anxiety here has taken over
Shut me down, like an alcoholic gone sober

It's a little funny how that first bit is on anxiety when every other line I've written has focused on a completely different topic. Well, not completely since it's totally fueling my anxiety. Emo. Maybe I'll keep writing. I'll make it a book. Ya? Didn't think so. You know something is wrong when I put on my emo playlist. Peace out brah.


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