Monday, May 25, 2009

Got That New I'm A Single Girl Swag

I try to download every song on Billboard's Hot 100 just to keep up with what's trendy. I don't really listen to the radio. Don't watch much MTV. It's the only real way I can find out what's new & popular. So, I downloaded Kristinia Debarge's "Goodbye", currently #30 on the Billboard Hot 100, and had a listen. At first, I thought it sounded like something only 11 year old girls should be listening to. Then I listened to the lyrics. I've been totally over emotional the past 2 weeks about lame ass romance bullshit, so I must admit, this song has been a much needed pick me up. The song has a definite sugarcoated/bubblegum sound but it's a for sure mood booster. Na na na na, na na na na, hey heyyy, goodbye.

On Saturday, I saw the new Wayans' bros. film "Dance Flick." Please, please, please do not waste your money. Thankfully, I had a free movie pass, but I'm almost sorry I threw it away on this pathetic excuse for a film. I only saw it in the first place because my friends already bought their tickets and told me to come, so I didn't have time to convince them that "Star Trek" or "Terminator: Salvation" or "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian" or just about any other movie would have been a better investment. The entire flick was a "Save the Last Dance" parody, with a few rips on other dance movies. There were a few laugh out loud moments, mostly thanks to Essence Atkins' character Charity. Otherwise, the majority of the movie was completely racist, portraying all inner city blacks as gang members and over-sexed degenerates who never wear condoms and don't know how to parent their children. It's sort of a shame that this was written by black men using African-American stereotypes entirely for profit. Maybe they figure since the stereotypes are out there, they might as well play off of them? I'll admit, some of the jokes were hilarious, but it's not like my white/blonde friends and I could really laugh at some of them in a theater surrounded by black people. I'm not racist at all, but it's just the truth. Anyway, that is beside the point.
The point is that this movie was awful. Horrid. Yuck. Barf

Oh yeah, I'd also like to give a shout out to all of the vets and those currently fighting for the USA. I'm not about war, I don't know many people who are, but I'm proud that you're putting your lives on the line to ensure freedom and safety in this country and others. I've got family and friends overseas & I just wish everyone the best. World peace! Happy Memorial Day! I salute you.

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