Monday, June 22, 2009

For the Love of the Game

Oh, gosh, it's been a while since my last post. Guess I've been super busy with school. My bad... So, right at this moment, I am watching the NCAA College World Series on ESPN. Boy, do I love baseball. Especially college baseball. It's down to the final 3 games, LSU vs Texas. I'm really pulling for the Tigers - don't ask me why. For some reason, there has always been a spot in my heart for Louisiana. I think it's because I love New Orleans Square in Disneyland so much. And I read a bunch of books that took place in Louisiana when I was young. Who knows? I think LSU will pull through. The game has been pretty fab if you ask me. The Longhorns were in the lead, 6-4, for most of the game. Then, during the top of the 9th, LSU hit a double which tied up the score. Currently, it is the bottom of the 10th with 2 outs and the score remains unchanged...

... And LSU wins. 7-6. Who called it? Me.

I'm thinking of pitching this idea to ESPN or something for next season... don't steal it or I'll find you... Most girls I know have absolutely no interest in college baseball whatsoever. Sure, they'll say they like baseball because they go to the MLB games, but when I see them there they pay no attention to the score or the game and are often drunken messes. (Nothing against drunken messes) Did they watch the MLB draft? Do they watch the games on TV? If yes, then great. If no, why not? Why don't girls have this interest in baseball that most guys do?

The answer appears pretty obvious: gender roles. In our society, girls are raised on glamor, fashion and Barbie; boys on sports and G.I. Joe. So some people might wonder, what turned me on to America's pastime? There are very few things sexier than a guy playing baseball. When I was pretty little, my mom showed me the classic baseball flick "The Sandlot." Till this day, I can remember the first time I saw that epic film and the memorable Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez. Benny. Was. Is. And always will be. A. Fox. If I had to pick one thing that sparked my interest in baseball - it's that. Of course, I eventually began playing softball, 
watching the games and learning more about the sport. I fell in love with the smell of the grass and the dirt and the memory of catching my first pop fly. Hot dogs, hot days, summer nights, team spirit, foul balls, fastballs, home runs, strike outs, pickles, rallies, stealing the bases... gosh there are too many things to name. Plus, no matter how attractive or unattractive a guy is - those uniforms add, like, 10 hot points. Haha. 

My point is, if liking the players before loving the game is what happened to me, can't all girls be turned on baseball that way? I think yes, for the most part. It's because of this that I want to start a list, or a few. The 50 Sexiest Men in College Baseball. And the 50 Sexiest Men in MLB. Yes? Amazing idea? I think so. I've got it all planned out. But it wouldn't JUST be about looks, being sexy is about so much more than looks. If a guy is really funny, really talented, really smart, or just an overall great guy - he gets more sexy points. If a guy has a big ego, is a womanizer, or is just sort of a jerk - he loses sexy points. So naturally, once the players get narrowed down to around 100 players based on looks, I'd like to get some interviews and testimonials from teammates, friends, and coaches. I think it could do a lot for baseball (especially college ball) and bring in a ton of female fans. 

On a more feminine note: I'm now watching "The Bachelorette" on ABC. Since day 1, I have been head-over-heels in love with Jake. He's the most charming southern gentleman ever. I envy Jillian for her opportunity to be with the sexiest commercial pilot on the planet. My picks for the final 2 were originally Jake and Kiptyn. Wes needs to get kicked off asap. I hate him. & Tanner's foot fetish freaks me 
out - no surprise they play circus music every time he talks about feet! This show really emphasizes love as one big game - and it is. And she just let Jake go. IDIOT. "Nice guys finish last." I could cry. Well, it's obviously her loss. Maybe Jake will be the next Bachelor? That man is about to get a ton of fan mail. Love, dating, relationships, friendships are all a game. How tragic. Hopefully, it's a game I will win someday without too many scars right?

In case those of you reading this haven't noticed, I'm boy crazy. So, so boy crazy. I thought it was just a phase I'd grow out of and, 
boy, was I wrong. I probably fall in love with a stranger on sight at least once a week - like that guy in the USC sweatshirt who was staring at me during the entire escalator ride up at the Giants game on Friday? I could have said "I do" to those piercing blue eyes right then and there... Okay just kidding, I'm not that crazy... But I could have done many things that did not involve that USC sweatshirt. ;-)

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