Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Little Fall of Rain

Stormy weather is hitting the Golden State and showers are in effect across Los Angeles. It's the first real rain I've seen since relocating to sunny SoCal. In a way, it makes me feel closer to home - closer to the damp autumns seen in the San Francisco area. I miss it. This time last year, I was constantly in the city every week. San Francisco is so beautiful in the fall.

I've always despised the rain - until now. I'm not exactly a huge fan of the cold or the wind or the wetness. I prefer the sun, but who doesn't? The rain can be so depressing sometimes. That's the key word - can. Really, the rain is whatever you make of it. Make the best of it.

Tuesdays are the days I usually run all of my errands. Groceries. Mail. Prescriptions. You get the point. This particular Tuesday, I had to return something at the Apple Store in Santa Monica. The whole return process took about 5 minutes - but I have a crush on Santa Monica so I didn't just want to leave so soon after arriving. I shopped around. Walked all along the 3rd street promenade. It wasn't enough.

The streets of Santa Monica were somewhat empty, most likely due to the weather. I found that this vacancy gave me the opportunity to enjoy the location in solitude and self-reflection. So naturally, I went for a walk. I'm not really that crazy for wanting to walk in the rain. It's just a little water. A little spontaneity. It's always good to do something spontaneous and original every once in a while - it keeps you, well, you. My destination was set: the end of the Santa Monica Pier.

I was one of the only people walking to the pier, everyone seemed to be leaving. As I passed the deserted rides and cafes, it began to pour - it was magnificent. Everyone had their umbrellas or ponchos or hooded windbreakers - and if they didn't, they were running for cover. That is, everyone except me. I was soaked and it was uncomfortable at first, but I couldn't just stop and give up and turn around like the rest of them. I walked to the end. I walked to the very end of the pier and I stopped and watched the ocean. Talk about self-discovery. Self-discovery I can't even describe in detail. Stormy sky and waters seem depressing and angry to so many people, but this was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. I felt each drop of rain on my face and I stood there and took it in and reveled in how amazing it is to be alive, to witness the artistry of nature, to feel rain. There is always beauty and life in every storm, we just have to look for it.
It made me think, what kind of person will I be when it rains? Will I run for cover and complain about it, or will I dance in it? Valuing life isn't only about appreciating the good times and the sunshine, but it is about seeing the good that comes from the storm and running with it.
You've gotta have rain to make a rainbow...
Without rain, nothing would grow.

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